Lunch Money

Book Resume

for Lunch Money by Andrew Clements and Brian Selznick

Professional book information and credentials for Lunch Money.

See full Book Resume
on TeachingBooks


  • Publisher's Weekly:
  • Ages 8 - 12
  • TeachingBooks:*
  • Grades 1-8
  • Word Count:
  • 38,550
  • Lexile Level:
  • 840L
  • ATOS Reading Level:
  • 5.2
  • Genre:
  • Humor
  • Year Published:
  • 2005

The following unabridged reviews are made available under license from their respective rights holders and publishers. Reviews may be used for educational purposes consistent with the fair use doctrine in your jurisdiction, and may not be reproduced or repurposed without permission from the rights holders.

Note: This section may include reviews for related titles (e.g., same author, series, or related edition).

From Publisher's Weekly

June 20, 2005
Clements's (Frindle
) offers an uncharacteristically thin novel introducing a boy who excels at athletics and academics—and is a whiz at drawing—but whose "greatest talent had always been money." In preschool Greg did his older brothers' chores for pay; in nursery school he recycled his family's trash and kept the bottle and can deposit refunds; and by third grade he had "set himself a goal. He wanted to be rich." Now a fifth grader, Greg decides that "school would be an excellent place to make his fortune." Yet his business ventures selling candy and gum, novelty toys and homemade comic books land him in hot water with the principal. Though this young tycoon's ambitious aspirations and laughable arrogance are entertaining, the pace of the story slackens considerably at its midpoint, when Greg teams up with Maura, another talented artist and his longstanding rival, to launch a line of mini-comic books. Clements delivers a meaningful message about friendship, perseverance and proper priorities. But although Greg and Maura are likable and spunky, the detailed descriptions of how they create their debut books and petition the School Committee for permission to market them to fellow students grow tedious. Ages 8-12.

From AudioFile Magazine

Clements, who wrote the bestselling children's book FRINDLE, creates terrific young characters who are good students but slightly rebellious. Sixth-grader Greg Canton, who has "heaps of talent," has decided to make his fortune. School seems a land of opportunity to the young entrepreneur. Narrator John H. Mayer ably creates Clements's many characters. From Greg himself to his nemesis and eventual business partner, Maura, to family members, teachers, and principal, Mayer brings to life differing personalities while catching all the humor inherent in this story and maintaining the drama as events unfold. An entertaining and provocative look at children, money, and values, the story concludes with an author interview that listeners will enjoy. J.C.G. (c) AudioFile 2006, Portland, Maine

Lunch Money was selected by educational and library professionals to be included on the following state/provincial reading lists.

United States Lists (10)


  • Grand Canyon Reader Award, 2009


  • Colorado Children's Book Award, 2007-08


  • 2010 Nene Award
  • Nene Award 2009


  • Young Hoosier Book Award, 2007-08


  • Minnesota Maud Hart Lovelace Award, 2008-09

New Mexico

  • 2011-12 New Mexico Battle of the Books for Elementary Schools

New York

  • Charlotte Award, 2008


  • Battle of the Books - Middle Level, 2007-08
  • Golden Archer Awards, 2007-08

Andrew Clements on creating Lunch Money:

This primary source recording with Andrew Clements was created to provide readers insights directly from the book's creator into the backstory and making of this book.

Listen to this recording on TeachingBooks

Citation: Clements, Andrew. "Meet-the-Author Recording | Lunch Money." TeachingBooks, https://ac.teachingbooks.net/bookResume/t/4234. Accessed 04 February, 2025.

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This Book Resume for Lunch Money is compiled from TeachingBooks, a library of professional resources about children's and young adult books. This page may be shared for educational purposes and must include copyright information. Reviews are made available under license from their respective rights holders and publishers.

*Grade levels are determined by certified librarians utilizing editorial reviews and additional materials. Relevant age ranges vary depending on the learner, the setting, and the intended purpose of a book.

Retrieved from TeachingBooks on February 04, 2025. © 2001-2025 TeachingBooks.net, LLC. All rights reserved by rights holders.