Book Description
for The New Neighbors by Sarah McIntyre
From Cooperative Children's Book Center (CCBC)
There are new neighbors—rats—in the apartment building. The bunnies are initially excited to hear about their new neighbors, but Vern (a sheep) thinks rats are untidy. Walter and Matilda (pigs) confirm: Rats are, indeed, incredibly messy. Smelly, too. And according to Lars and Astrid (polar bears), not only are rats messy and smelly, they also like to steal food. As the animals deliver the news to the rest of the residents, trundling down each flight of stairs in a cumulative pattern, their paranoia and prejudice only increase as they feed off one another’s unfounded fears. Of course, when they finally meet Bertram and Natasha, they’re charmed by their hospitality and lovely home and embarrassed to have judged their new neighbors before meeting them in a humorous yet timely story that cautions against forming and spreading negative, preconceived notions of newcomers. (Ages 4–7)
CCBC Choices 2020. © Cooperative Children's Book Center, Univ. of Wisconsin - Madison, 2020. Used with permission.