Book Description
for You Wouldn't Want to Live Without Trees! by Jim Pipe and Mark Bergin
From the Publisher
A world without trees would be a barren, dry and polluted wasteland.This series takes readers (Ages 8-12) on a historical journey, examining how people coped in the past and how they developed ingenious ways to make life safer and less unpleasant. Each book features full-color cartoon-style illustrations and hilarious speech bubbles to heighten interest, making the series attractive even to reluctant readers.Trees are among nature's most remarkable achievements, growing from a seed you can hold in your hand into a green giant several stories high. They are rugged survivors. They can live in baking hot deserts or icy arctic regions, competing with other plants for water and nutrients, while fending off cold, heat, drought, flood, poisons, parasites and predators. Trees can live for hundreds and even thousands of years, and teem with hundreds of different species of animal. At the same time, they provide us with fuel, food and shelter - and even the oxygen that we breathe.
Publisher description retrieved from Google Books.